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AcknowledgmentsThe Third International Entertainment Education Conference for Social Change could not have been the success it was except by the dedication and hard work of many people. The Netherlands Entertainment-Education Foundation (NEEF), host of the conference, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, Maryland, and Ohio University, Communications and Development Studies, Athens, Ohio, thanks those who made the conference a success. Very important has been the Initiatives Group: Patrick L. Coleman, Deputy Director, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Vibert C. Cambridge, Director, Communication and Development Studies Program, Ohio University, and Martine P.A. Bouman, Managing Director, NEEF. They spent many months and several meetings for which thousands of miles had to be bridged in designing the conference's concept and in identifying the members of the worldwide network that would participate in the event. The Johns Hopkins University is especially acknowledged for the funding of the participation of key persons from different countries. Martine Bouman spent almost all of her time in the months preceding the event coordinating numerous tasks, from email correspondence with all participants to drawing up session themes and determining the speakers and presenters. She was greatly supported in this task by members of the NEEF board: Karin Jurgens (chair), Peter Fokkens (secretary), Tom Samwel (treasurer), Han van der Laan, and Bert Kranendonk. Elizabeth Duverlie painstakingly edited all text in the pre-conference stage. Special thanks to Erika Wagner, Deborah Williams, and Anne Chenoweth for their assistance with logistics and travel. The speakers and presenters have been of great importance, too. The panel members that constituted the lively debates and discussions in the keynote and other sessions, eloquently directed by the session chairs, have contributed invaluably to the success of the conference. Of key importance were the company DST and its director, NEEF board member Bert Kranendonk. Bert took up the actual organization in an early stage. Later on, Lyanne Lamar and Sandra Dijk of the company LVG executed many organizational tasks and acted as hostesses during the conference; their help was essential. NEEF also wants to thank Hans van der Laan, Ruud and Ingrid Duynisveld, and Kathy Bouwman and the children of the music school in The Hague for their role in the success of the Gala Night. Really invaluable were the contributions of the Editing team. Editors Robert Jacoby and Peter Fokkens, and their reporters Tanja Bosch, Joost de Bruin, Vanessa van Foreest, and Joshua Ogada, and secretary Lucie Timmers, performed an unbelievable job by reporting from all sessions and posting them on the Web site and printing copies for distribution at the conference within a day. Tibo Jansingh of Stichting Nedwerk managed the Web site. Part of the organization of the conference was made possible by a grant, provided by the Health research and Development Council, whose mission it is to stimulate effective modernizations in health care and prevention. We acknowledge the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development for Johns Hopkins staff time and expenses in planning and participating in this event and for support of participants from several developing countries. Substantial in-kind sponsoring came from the Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation, Didactisch Service Team * Didactics in Communication, Panta Rhei Communications, and Bouman E&E Development. The University of Amsterdam, The National Heritage Museum, and Stichting Nedwerk acted as in-kind sponsors.