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ParticipantsSergio Alarcon IMEC; Mexico City, Mexico. Melissa Angelica ClearVision; Malibu, USA. Zahia Annab Jordan Television; Amman, Jordan. L. R. Ban National Health Education, Information Comm.; Kathmandu, Nepal. Vicki Beck Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Atlanta, USA. Uttara Bharath JHU/ CCP; Zambia, USA. René Boomkens Universiteit van Groningen; Groningen, The Netherlands. Tanja Bosch Ohio University; Athens, USA. Peter Bosch Bosch Film Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Martine Bouman Bouman E & E Development; Gouda, The Netherlands. Aaron Brady JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. William Brown Regent University; Virgina Beach, USA. Luzinda Burungi. Robelo Calderon Solver Productions; Miraflores, Peru. Vibert Cambridge Ohio University; Athens, USA. Sophia Chaudhury Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs; Dhaka, Bangladesh. Colin Cholmondeley Jamaica, West Indies. Tim Cline Zero Population Growth; Washington, DC, USA. Michael Cody University of Southern California; Los Angeles, USA. Annie Coleman Enter-Educate, Inc.; Baltimore, USA. Patrick Coleman JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Anne Compton JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Mary Cutler BBC; Birmingham, England. Lynn Dalrymple Dramaide: University of Zululand; Empangeni, South Africa. Joost de Bruin Universiteit van Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sonja de Leeuw Universiteit van Utrecht Hoogland; The Netherlands. Daphne de Rebello UNESCO; Paris, France. Esta de Fossard JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Tran Duc Tien National Committee for Population & Family Planning; Hanoi, Vietnam. Ibrahim El-Kerdany UNICEF; Maadi, Egypt. Ana Laura Escobedo Navarro Azteca digital S. A. de C. V.; Las Arboledas Atizapán, Mexico. Soliman Farah JHU/ CCP-Jordan; Jordan. Albert Fischer PYMWYMIC; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Peter Fokkens Netherlands E-E Foundation; Gouda, The Netherlands. Daniëlle Frissen StiVoRo Den Haag; The Netherlands. Minou Fuglesang Femina Health Information Project; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Sue Goldstein Soul City; Houghton, South Africa. Toine Gribling GGD; Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Margarita Gurdian JHU/ CCP; Nicaragua. Holo Hachonda Youth Activists Organisation; Zambia. Joseph Hartman ClearVision Malibu, USA. Ronald Hess JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Ad Hoogendam NOC* NSF; Arnhem, The Netherlands. Robert Jacoby JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Tibo Jansingh Stichting Nedwerk Nederland; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Marijke Janssens Zorg Onderzoek Nederland; Den Haag, The Netherlands. Garth Japhet Soul City; Bergvlei, South Africa. Karin Jurgens Netherlands E-E Foundation; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Daniel Kabira Population Comm. International; New York, USA. Savera Kalideen Soul City; Johannesburg, South Africa. Christine Kelly York College of Pennsylvania; York, USA. D. Lawrence Kincaid JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Anita Kiragu-de Werd Experiential Marketing & Communication; Heeswk-Dinther, The Netherlands. Jeff Kline Hispanic Radio Network; Washington, DC, USA. Marten Knip St. Wetenschap en Techniek; Utrecht, The Netherlands. Gerjo Kok Universiteit Maastricht Maastricht, The Netherlands. Carla Kolner NOC* NSF; Arnhem, The Netherlands. Lucia Kramer Academy for Educational Development; Washington, DC, USA. Bert Kranendonk Netherlands E-E Foundation; Baarn, The Netherlands. Kathy Krendl Ohio University; Athens, USA. Monique Lamboo KO Produkties; Lelystad, The Netherlands. Marides Laud Lazo Singer/ entertainer; Germany. Mariken Leurs NOC* NSF; Arnhem, The Netherlands. Harry Manders School v. Comm. Management; Utrecht, The Netherlands. Fred Matser Fred Foundation; Hilversum, The Netherlands. Doe Mayer University of Southern California; Santa Monica, USA. Rashid Memon Population Council; Islamabad, Pakistan. Lausanne Mies Zorg Onderzoek Nederland; Den Haag, The Netherlands.l Amjad Nawwas Idea International Center; Jordan. Kimani Njogu Population Comm. International; Nairobi, Kenya. Asaduzzaman Noor Asiatic Marketing Comm. Ltd.; Dhaka, Bangladesh. Joshua Ogada Ohio University; Athens, USA. Anne Palmer JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Jim Paredes APO Hiking Society & Co.; Loyola Heights, Philippines. Warren Parker Beyond Awareness Campaign; South Africa. Elaine Perkins Radio Producer; Jamaica, West Indies. Sarah Pillsbury Sanford/ Pillsbury Production; Santa Monica, USA. Phyllis Piotrow JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Lina Qardan JHU/ CCP; Jordan. Scott Ratzan USAID Washington, DC, USA. Jacomine Ravensbergen Zorg Onderzoek Nederland; The Netherlands. Victor Regis RARE Center for Tropical Conservation; Gros Islet, Saint Lucia. Hugh Rigby JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Jose G. Rimon II JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Peter Roberts JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Everett Rogers University of New Mexico; Albuquerque, USA. Miguel Sabido IMEC; Mexico City, Mexico. Irene Sabido IMEC; Mexico City, Mexico. Marijke Schaaphok J. van den Ende Produkties BV; Hilversum, The Netherlands. Corinne Shefner-Rogers Health Communication Consultancy; Albuquerque, USA. Mary Sue Siegel Storyteller; Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tony Sierra Composer; Honduras. Arvind Singhal Ohio University; Athens, USA. Sally Smith DSR Inc; Elkridge, USA. Steven Smith DSR Inc; Elkridge, USA. Suruchi Sood JHU/ CCP; Baltimore, USA. Piet Harm Sterk Format Company; The Netherlands. Pedro Suarez Vertiz Singer/ Entertainer; Miraflores, Peru. Diane Summers JHU/ PCS; Kalikasthan, Nepal. Peer Jacob Svenkerud Telenor AS; Oslo, Norway. Thomas Tufte University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen, Denmark. Birungi Alfre L. Turwomwe WBS TV; Uganda. Shereen Usdin Soul City; Johannesburg, South Africa. Hans van der Laan Netherlands E-E Foundation; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Vanessa van Foreest Universiteit van Utrecht; Utrecht, The Netherlands. Liesbet van Zoonen Universiteit van Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Peter Vaughan Macalester College; USA. Julia van Graevenitz Bosch Film Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Jan Willem Wirtz Format Company; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June Yum Towson University; Towson, USA. Sara Zaker Asiatic Marketing Communication; Dhaka, Bangladesh. Natascha Zwaal Centrum voor Milieukunde; Leiden, The Netherlands.